How Often Should You Change Your Pool Filters or Service It?

 The swimming pools at home offer great comfort and relaxation. However, with this comes the responsibility to clean and maintain the pool. You must have a proper idea about pool maintenance to ensure you can enjoy your pool for a longer time. This means you have to contact a professional for pool service in Boca Raton timely. Of all the pool services, it is the filter change that is of great concern. But when should you change the filters?


When to change filters?

On average, a swimming pool filter can last about two years to 15 years, depending upon the type of filter you have chosen. But there is no necessity that you have to change it. Even cleaning the filter can help. With regular cleaning, you can ensure that they work to their full capacity. While in case you are using a cartridge filter, then make sure you rinse it thoroughly with a stiff brush and a specialist cleaner. Make sure to do this every week for longevity.

In the case of a sand-based or glass power filter, you can opt for a backwash. Generally, the pump systems come with backwash options that allow the water to run in the opposite direction before it takes out the dir. Also, you should clean the pool filter whenever the pressure has increased.

In simple words, you need to change your pool filter whenever it has lost its quality or has exceeded its expected lifespan. Generally, the symptoms start appearing after every five years. But the time scale can range between 1 to 15 years. So keep an eye on your system to guarantee the filter works well and delivers you quality results.


Contact professionals

The swimming pool filter, when replaced and cleaned at the right time, can ensure proper operations. You can consider contacting a professional company for help. Romance Pools is the best option. They can offer you all the services from swimming pool installation to repair and replacement. Besides, the service is highly affordable. So the next time you search for pool remodeling near me or any other associated services, you can contact them at 9546483098 for help.



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